Saturday, September 18, 2010


Amazing: Elizabet Warren appointed by President Obama comes from Oklahoma and is a Methodist as is Hillary Clinton.
The reference to John Wesley in one of her Wikipedia biography caught my imagination -part of my cultural heritage there on the plains_ I didn't sstay long enough to get to that and in Colorado there was nothing-relegated to the dustbins there and In Californis my first real connections was with the Catholics in the form of Catholic Worker commune. No one was talking real practical everyday Protestant theology and the development of the mind. Interesting. I was turned off by the Protestant Evangelical approach which only worked to give me a guilt complex-the come to Jesus and get your sins washed away doesn't work very well for children and young people. The young ones need thoughts to grow on and help meeting the obligations of life. Usually if things are laden down in Holiness the kids reject it.
I went just now to read on John Wesley and I felt again that creep up my back of boredom and lonliness of the Holy Way. However, getting away from the fored and boring writers I realize that many of the roots of the socialism that we need in order to live freely is right there in Wesley-the doing good things of building houses for the poor or the gathering of old glasses to send over seas to people who are too poor to buy corrective lenses, that one from my childhood Methodist upbringing.

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