Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So the equinox ( actually a Solar Eclipse) in my life continues to unfold. I was wondering what it would mean that the equinox fell about one degree from my IC. Well working on my childhood schoolmate's chart and at last unwinding a puzzle from my earliest days with memories that I have carried for years. Proust and his madelienes and memories had nothing on me except that I haven't taken to bed the better to capture the exact flavor of the memories but god! I go over and over the early years. Weird when most of my friends say that they can't remember those early years. I know this has something to do with the loaded fourth house Saturn,Moon,Pluto in Leo and then Neptune in the sixth.

Oh God the Obama Justice Dept is bringing charges against the police who shot and killed black refugees from New Orleans during the monster flood that came from the hurricane Katrina. Well this will convince the crazy Tea Party folk listening to Rush Limbaugh that Obama really is a racist. I for one am happy to see this-the cops simply acted on the old race hatred. Yes!! that simple!! They didn't want those n---rs to get any of what they the white cops were securing. I guess they were afraid that all those people ignored by the military and New Orleans law officers would just invade them and kill them just as they themselves were doing.

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