Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So I was passing time going through the religion section of Huffington Post and came to a little piece on St Therese of Lisieux and I was knocked over by her mission which was to do everything in daily life to express the perceived love of God for us. I was just so startled becuase this is right in line with my desire to communicate how the small things the overlooked things are the very foundation of our lives and then when I was discussing this with Rev Green he pointed out that this is the basis of Weslleyism-everything to be done for the Glory of God although I must say in my experience there was never much joy with the Methodists which is why St Therese of Lisieux seems to be more full of joy and love. Perhaps that is because she never had to feed a family and support the family,etc. I don't know but I am drawn to St Therese of Lisieux and I will be searching out more information-I know she is the Saint of the Little Flowers.
I have never before been drawn to saints except the myths of our dear St Mary Magdalena.
I take this as a gift from Robert on this anniversary of his birth. I still miss him and would love for him to have met Steve. I loved him and was not ashamed to be spiritual with him and although he never spoke of his faith I knew that he sang the Mass daily and he never wavered even though he was so bright and was able to see the mistakes of the Church Fathers.
I am thinking that now I have something to study and that I will be blessed in this although of course not exempted from my duty as a family member and citizen.
Serving God in these little ways and anonymously will be just the path to draw me out of the morbid focus on these late years and the death that awaits me. I can now begin to learn how to do everything for the love of Jesus God.
I don't have to speak of this-no this is not done for the glory of this ego, this personality but is taken up for the love of God and Robert and for the love of family and friends and, I pray, for the love of humanity.
i see this also as the answer to my obsession with politics and the struggles of humans to get what they think is needed. I will always be involved but I am so grateful to be reminded that there are other paths through the world.

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