Friday, August 27, 2010


I was afraid to come over here this morning as if I were going to an abandoned,old house with broken windows and loose flooring and lots of dust. HMMMM!! Spoke with my sister and invited her back here to stay with me but she says 'no!'. she wants to stay there where she can 'get better care'which I think means a more middle-class abode and no crazy hippie sister writing and listening to the radio and living her San Francisco bohemian life right here in Richmond where it is so cold as the wind whips around the corner off the Bay straight from San Francisco which is easily visable.
so angry with Alan Simpson (from Wyoming?) who says that Social Security is the cow with 310 million tits and that it is for the 'lesser people'-yes!! and addressed to this utter pig-it is OUR money that we have saved-most of us are not the egg-sucking dogs that you politicians are. No we can't 'save' from our meager wages but we have put our money together and we have built a program that works and you suckers just hte us for that . we have proven how bountiful is life and how beautiful things could be if you monsters could forced to live only on your fair share. Even now there is enough for 7 billion to have enough to meet their needs but not if we have the fuckers who want it all.

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