Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wednesday and I am settling in to Buffy being gone. I was taken aback by her tone when she asked me to send her Social Security to her she sounded as if there was some idea that I would not. Weird but I imagine that she continues to believe that I just took her money and gave her nothing of value in exchange and god knows helping out with household expenses is not reasonable.
Then there is the frost from Randy and family: I have decided to just let things go. last night was the first time Steve and I have been alone in years and it was wonderful. I also love how easy it is to provide food and cleaning for just the two of us. I am weary of caring for everyone and just getting kicked in the teeth for it. I was past weary of all the perfumes and chemicals for cleaning and washing and to have just our quiet unscented life. I am looking forward to picking berries along the BART tail today and for buying flour and eggs and milk at the natural food store. I can afford to spend more on these staples is I am not spending it on the needs and desires of other people.
I am sure that Randy is busted what with all the extra expenses-I felt the urge to send him money but not any more. I feel condemned and rejected. I remember how quick he was to get Buffy out here and to never look back or so it appeared to me. Well as someone said people always need someone to blame and this is my turn.

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