Thursday, August 5, 2010


Coming up on Joyce's, Lisa's,Julie's birthdays: all the lovely women estranged and dead but recently had a wonderful time with Julie didn't even try to hide the level of poverty. And she didn't even try either: she has lost money not that she wanted to talk about this but there it is and admitted that when she went to acquire her Bachelors in Social Work it was more for the steady income since there is not a big call out there for 62 year old Social Workers who have not been working recently-we giggled over that. She says that she is still paying those debts off but that it was worth it.

For what it's worth I got that Bill Herbst's article is an active imagination on Pluto in Capricorn. I had very similar images come up and then realized that I was imagining the Pluto transit without any of the other factors.
I do notice that people are gardening and we are interested in doing things for ourselves but no one is going to get this pure,straight up, no chaser. There will be some real changes for the Big Boys (men and women)and they may feel as though it is the end of the world but life will go on. LIke others are saying: pay attention to that pesky,ornery Uranus coming up with new ways to experience life.
I was thinking yesterday that the sickness I experienced in 4/2010 that kept me in bed for over a month and also with shingles was the shift of consciousness so often referred to here in these circles!! Don't know but I do know that my life is shifting and for the better ( says she who sits in Starbuck's using their free internet for the cost of a latte-have to pay Comcast without the funds to do so-well manifestation is a slowly acquired skill here)

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