Saturday, January 29, 2011


So for the first time I can see how my own chart works. the complex that results in over-eating and compulsive over-eating is the result of complex emotional responses to complex environmental stimuli and I never connected this to my love for food and ccoking and gardening and my love completely for the kitchen and how the kitchen feeds the family and over time becomes family history.
All I ever thought of was " I am bad to be a compulsive overeater and I shouldn't be like that and I should be different. Now I am "seeing" that this was only the shadow side of my personality.
My love of the kitchen has encouraged me to learn how to use food and cooking and eating even gardening to support life and activity and to express all types of emotions and learning.
I had so hated being thought of as fat that all I could think of food and eating was to want to be rid of it. Now I can see that this is also my creativity and self-expression. I am expressing myself as I really am with real talent and interest in food and the experience of food and eating and cooking-I just was overwhelmed by self-loathing

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