Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So listen up!! I have an inspiration: I want to write about growing old,about life AFTER the menopause, life after service to the collective via reproduction and finding a "career path".
I am loving retirement loving the solitude and the relaxation of being "withdrawn " from daily business life and all the flurry of raising children and working on marriage or other relationships.
Admittedly i have to make a greater effort to stay healthy and sane. for instance walking up the hill from Safeway was a god send-the strenuous workout chased the blues of virus away and kept me energized all day long and I slept soundly. I don't enjoy life as much if I fail to exercise like that everyday
I want to write about the joy of life after 60. It seems that literature only treats age and old age as defeat because it leads to death but I am thinking/feeling that age, this last third or quarter or whatever is actually Life itself and deserves to be celebrated and commented on just as the other stages are. This is part of this inspiration I have to celebrate the common and the ordinary, the daily that we ignore and take for granted but which actually forms the body of our existence. Hecate talking about the Mother loving to make love to her through her bare feet on the summer lawn. The very ground of being so easily ignored so easily overlooked while staring upwards seeking rockets and other fireworks.
My desire to capture the growing freedom from the restraints of mating,nest building,community placing,etc that is age. freedom to be myself after all these years.

Yesterday Steve just summed up the importance of home. He thanked me for making everything soft and sweet. He was referring to my work around the house since I returned from the almost three weeks in Tennessee. this is exactly what I am wanting to capture and Please!! I do not want this backed up by religion or politics but rather something much lower and homely. My father genuinely respected women and praised women. he had been deeply shaped by his mother's elegance even though she was handicapped by having lost one leg. he respected her and identified with her in that he wanted to serve her and support her and he admired her strength of character. I grew up in a home where this high value was always present.

1 comment:

  1. You've already done excellent writing here, Clymela, with this post. i hope you continue w your 'over-60- plan! Jude
