Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27.2011

"In Jungian terms, the astrological evidence suggests that the collective unconscious is ultimately embedded in the macrocosm itself, with the planetary motions a synchronistic reflection of the unfolding archetypal dynamics of human experience.
"In Platonic terms, astrology affirms the existence of an anima mundi informing the cosmos, a world soul in which the human psyche participates as a microcosm of the whole."
-- Richard Tarnas
Cosmos and Psyche

"If the study of astrology and its deeper meanings can provide anything, it is a real confidence in one's authentic self, thus encouraging the ability to relax into an acceptance of one's true nature."
-- Stephen Arroyo
Person-to-Person Astrology

Well Neptune Cafe is jumping and mentions the upcoming 5/20/2012 eclipse -I was born just after such an eclipse which one can see by my Sun conjunct the Moon's N Node-I wonder what this one is bringing. Of course I am reminded of Tom Sawyer's creator who was born when a comet was transiting and who died when the comet returned. I am full of the creepies these days struggling to come to grips with the death that has so impacted me and left me feeling stranded in the cosmos since my sister departed 4/29/2011 and left me standing alone,all the family gone before me-well the children are still here although my beautiful, creative Lisa and her daughter Krystil are gone now.
I have passed through the darkest moments that came, I believe, because I just don't like death nor thoughts of death nor evidence of the shortness of our time in the sun. I feel like I have come to a point of acceptance but even this causes me to wonder if I am not simply shrugging off the brutal fact of death and I am simply agreeing to let myself die. Time will tell.
I can no longer believe in the kind fairy tales of the Christianity I was born to-I don't see death as a going home to Heaven although I do believe that life is eternal but I am pretty sure that there is no way out ego,our id,etc go on. No I assume that G-d is something that we can not comprehend and that G-d is eternal without beginning or end-G-d is not created and so can never die, never end. This thought is sorrowful too at least to my ego.
I would I suppose have stayed in church but I always felt rejected there and not needed and so I have gone on tasting every non-lethal sin I could while reading my elders and exploring ideas of G-d and the Cosmos.

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