Monday, January 24, 2011


Whamie!! I fell ill with a cold/flu. I was down from Friday PM until today. I am still ill although better and I have pain reliever to mask the symptoms.
Last night of seeing Tom Waits and cutting his hair but only on the left side agreeing to finish on our next visit. to graduate school in the city at, I guess, the Jung Institute. I am taking entrance exams and feeling like a failure although I am not even though there are health issues that need to be treated mostly with diet and exercise. I am told that I am going to meet a companion scholar, Pikola-Estes, I am so blown away by being told that I will be close to her and will come to know her. I have to leave the facility-school will not begin for sometime yet and I am on vacation. I need to hurry home and get the kids and load up for the ride to the airport-we are flying to Hawaii. We, my sister and Barbara and myself go out to the parking lot but we cannot find my car. we go over every possible place but t is gone. We discuss this on the phone and in person there is some problem with clothes as well and I am quite stressed and must be home by 4:30 so that we can drive to the airport. We go to the gas station across the street seems that we drove there and I try to call home which is Roland.

Jeez-I am too tired to go on here. this dream wore me out and even trying to record it is tiring.

I NEED to drop the past-that seems to be the context of the dream. Ann Ramenofski is in the dreeam.

I was knocked over today by an imagination of what my Saturn represents in me: the shallow, quaking oak leaf of a girl absolutely overwhelmed by cultural and family darkness. so hunted and abused and unable to protect myself and with little parental protection-for some reason I was allowed to wander alone and encountered some real madness adrift in my village

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