Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So here is another side of my reality: Cheri wrote to say that she has been very ill and hospitalized for six days. She was shocked that I thought she had "frozen me out". Obviously I am so impressed with that Mars Jupiter conjunction that I lost sight that she is a Libra with Aquarius Moon-she may have dark and tangled e,moptions like I do but she is still an Air sign woman. I also thought that perhaps I was "picking" up on her illness since by my calendar she must have gone in the hospital the next day.So..... the reunion/friendship will continue and we will share our experiences and see where we have ended up which is what I have been wanting.

I have thought of Moscow for years and longed to talk to the "kids" who were so important to me. I went back once in 1989 with the folks and ran eagerly up the steps of Mr Comer's and he refused to recognize me and then I went out to see Linda Gaskill plumping myself up as a 'spiritual director" and she in turn rejected me. Then over at Mrs.Curtis one of the twins, Ray, was there and he too failed to acknowledge me. I was so sad and even devastated and I expected the worst from Cheri and that is not what I have received from her rather I have been welcomed and she has confided in me and I was simply insecure and reckless.

FOX has done it again by publishing a video of a seemingly mad dog racist woman admitting to refusing service to a white farmer when in truth she was telling a story of her own growth and growing consciousness away from unconscious racism which one can see by her countenance on the TV-she has the face of a highly evolved woman.


So I feel much renewed by wonderful deep sleep last night. I awakened needing to go to the bathroom on an emergency basis. That crisis easily dealt with and now I feel beautiful and ready to go. Thank you Father/Mother God for this wonderful day-THANK YOU!!

I fed the cats and BEBE is almost renewed. I was afraid that we would lose her. She has never been sick before and her sickness has been in her hips caused by the vaccination they gave her in her hip. Well she has returned to her glorious blond beauty-she is part Siamese-the Cream Point Siamese and she is so beautiful with eyes so green that some days they appear turquoise. She seems to be proud and playful and wants us to appreciate how healthy and strong she is now. And

The ass h---s on Morning Joe are such creeps. Laughing and poking fun at Blagojavich who by the way I know he didn't do anything. I have already known that this is all political murder because who? wanted him out the Republicans and then maybe the Obama team. Mika Brezenski is so absolutely sickening-she so thinks Blagojevich actually did something and why? I say. She believes what her MSNBC tutors tell her to believe. She is horrible really horrible but back to Blagojevich-I have never thought him guilty and even if he is I support him and he makes me laugh. Jesus think of the Plumbers of Nixon times or Cheney now we are talking real

Jesus think of the Plumbers of Nixon times or Cheney now we are talking real felons and they either go unpunished or if punished they are so protected that they hardly suffer at all. The system wants Blago to swing they hate him so much and this is because of that flaky little FBI whit, Patrick Fitsgerald who had enough to hang Bush and Cheney but who just stopped and then turned his talents on Blago-hmmmm? bet that dude has sexual problems just bet you. Starpath Visions did 2 (two) articles on him in 2005;http://starpathvisions.com/index.html. I loathe him after having respected him. I loathe him for being an obvious tool for the right-wing and then going after Blagojevich at the bidding of his masters who wanted a Republican governor for Illinois.

Early morning MSNBC is sickening and I am tuning out on a regular basis. For the most part it is a Republican wet dream-how they want things to be. I believe that people are hurting so much and the Democrats have such an opportunity to show how so much of the suffering can be traced directly to the Republicans and their cold,cold hearts,

Here is a response I posted in Starlight News-slightly wordy but really to the point.

Pat C.-thank you so much for the link to FLOW:… I haven’t gone there yet but I wanted to say that it was the buying up of water in Mexico by the Coca-Cola company that precipitated so much of the flow of the so-called “illegal aliens” as the young people came north to find work for their floundering families after the water was taken from their villages. This I know because a co-worker and her husband came back with these stories in the early years of this century. The report was that all the water from entire villages would be “stolen” destroying the life and culture of the villages and the women had to walk miles to get water and the men turned to vice to get through their now pointless lives. I mean this happened right here in our neighboring country and no one talks about it except retired Civil Servants such as little ol’ me. The previous President was President of Coca-Cola in Mexico before he got elected. Just sayin’. oh! and here is a copy of the link from Pat C


I put some black beans to soak by bringing them to the boil as if I were going to cook them and then taking them off the heat and putting on a lid and they will sit there for a couple of hours after which I will I will drain them and start with fresh water and onions and garlic and cook them until they are tender.
Tonight the menu is London Broil ( on sale at Safeway so that a huge piece is under $5.) this will be sliced thin and served with black bean tostadas with slivered cabbage and finely grated carrots dressed with lemon and oil and some fresh salsa.

I am also making rice pudding, Mexican style, for my sister. I grew up making rice pudding by cooking leftover rice in a custard baked in the oven but Mrs Cruz makes it by softening some rice up with some water that is cooked until the water is absorbed and then milk and sugar are added and this is cooked on the stove top until thick about 45 minutes to an hour. I like to add some eggs (2) at the end and cooking gentlely until I am sure the eggs are cooked. I use lemon peel slivers for flavoring and sometimes Mexican vanilla if I have it.

IO read an article in Steve's "Uncut" from England on Ronnie Lane from the Faces and Rod Stewart. He was described in such a way that he came across as so Taurean so at home on the earth and I so identified with him and the words about him. Oh! Taurus rising,Mars in Taurus lacking in ambition but steady on there.

Monday, July 19, 2010


So I saw a trailer of the new Julia Roberts Movie based on the book "Eat,Pray,Life"? Is that the title? any way the prettiness made me feel good inside and I wanted to walk into the movie and then be home for supper.

This has been the hardest fucking day: we were dangerously behind on COMCAST and Steve finally got a paycheck from the State (they still owe him for 6/2010) and the COMCAST man showed up wanting $608. Well we only had $300 and he accepted that with the promise that we would pay the rest next Monday which we will. Well the TV and the internet are on but COMCAST chose to disconnect the phone and but out a message not a polite one saying we are not available and please leave a message. OH NO!! not fucking Comcast no the message say this phone has been disconnected. Jeez!! So at any rate both Steve and I spoke with customer service. I asked right off for a supervisor and got one and she agreed and said that the reason they did that was that they don't get the news of payments like the $300 for around 10 days and agreed to turn the phone back and to give them 20 minutes. Well hours later the phone is half turned on and STeve is now going to the local office which used to be close to us but is now clear over in Berkeley On University close to Shattuck. Hope that he is successful. He is not nearly direct enough for most service people to deal with. I am very good because I spent my entire working life trying to get people to do what I want them to do even if it was only agreeing to bring in their birth certificate. I however am no good at teaching people to read and I can't sing harmony.
So not over yet--we knew his cellphone would be turned off tonight but they truned it off this morning and this even though he only used half of his allotted hours.Buffy's cell phone is weird to use.

Okay and I worte two long "letters" one to Guylene and the other to Julie. No responses from either.
Julie perhaps she doesn't have a computer of her own here-okay so space there.
Guylene-saw that there is a gathering in Liberal and she is expected and maybe she doesn't have a computer with her in "cool Colorado" but my heart is saying that she is still linked to Moscow and Cheri and those I last saw in 1961.

I was really hoping to connect with those people who sat in classrooms with me while we learned to write and read and figure and learned about how to be citizens and developed athletic abilities-swimming, playing basketball and volleyball and soft ball, learning to run and to be "a good sport". I really wanted to meet up with these folks now after so many years and thought that we could share and I fell for the idea of doing Cheri's chart and wrote to her from the bottom of my heart-there is so much alike in us and I could just see why I was so fascinated and why she was, also. She said as much and even called me friend but then she sent a frosty e-mail and never wrote any thing else. WELL!!!!! as I said to myself,WELL!!!!!

So I guess the cliche is true we can't go home again and I don't see why. I would love to talk to these people and get to know them and share what we found out about life but oh! well!!! I feel love for my memories but I guess that is not enough and I will shut this book and never go back there again and I find this really, really sad. I am watching "Hope Floats" and wishing that I had a big old house with a screened in back porch where we could eat dinner. Wishing really that I could go home because things have not worked out so well. I would love to have some solid something to go back to but that is not possible in the 60's I am supposed to be the solid something but I am a failure in that arena and I am wanting somewhere to rest for a bit.

Friday, July 16, 2010


So Steve received his first check from the State today. There is another one pending that was sent to Sacramento on 7/2/2010. Perhaps the second one will come next week.
Any way today there is a huge,loud knock on the door and there is the Comcast man coming to collect $602 or take the equipment away. Steve has gone out to cash the check and to get an AC pass and pay his phone forward and go to the grocery store and I can't get him to pick up the phone. I invite the man to come in and he sees one of the cats and says that no he won't come in a house with cats-informs me that he is not afraid of cats just hates them so I say okay and shut the door threatening under my breath to sic my cats on him while I call Steve. Finally Steve calls and I explain our peril and Steve talks to the guy who agrees to keep service on for $300 but says he has to take the equipment because Steve isn't here with the money. I am just about to start screaming and here comes Steve around the corner. Then it turns out that we can't use Steve's self-fill Mastercharge card. At this point I begin to complain about how differently we are treated with our Richmond address than we were in Berkeley. This guy at least has the good grace to admit that this is so and that we bot know why (we are all black here in Richmond). In fact the guy was full of grace and he is to be complimented.
So we still have our TV and computer and phone and Steve is bringing home round steak on sale and corn tortillas and cherries and green peppers-I believe that I am making fahitas tonight and perhaps the State will pay him for June's services next week and then in August we will get even and find a decent used vehicle and we will start all over.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So getting ready to "retire". Long day full of aches and stiffness and I don't know why but there it is. Planted the green beans and spinach today. Lucky that I can plant when I want to don't have to rush like my friend in Maine-I didn't get going in April or May although I did plant lettuces and bok choy and green onions and round zuchinni earlier and they are coming up beautifully. We have "harvested" the lettuces three times now. the bok choy and collards will need a couple of more weeks or even more before I want to harvest them.
Good night dear readers. More in the morning.


Weird I have been calling the recent eclipse and equinox!! What is up with that!! I know that I meant Spring Equinox but this was a Solar Eclipse. Weird but there it is in print. I wonder if that has any basis in the brief contact with my childhood schoolmate-a time when there was equality and the time was seemingly as brief as that moment of Spring or perhaps it was the Autumnal Equinox? HMMMM!? Well the word is eclipse!

So I imagine that there was too much info for her to take in and I didn't even get to the Mars square Saturn and for that matter the Jupiter square Saturn-traditionally called the last chance lifetime meaning that one is faced all through life with a choice for freedom or restriction. This is interesting because Saturn is conjunct Pluto-ouch!!and Jupiter is conjunct Mars. somehow her father interfering with her plans and her natural ambition and desire to win and achieve and her mother represented by the Aquariuas Moon?? was somehow cool and reserved-thinking here that her mother demanded that she think of the consequences of her actions,her acting on her passions

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So this morning I got an e-mail from my old schoolmate and I believe that I got the old Scorpio freeze after dropping on her all my thoughts about her Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio in the second house. I was really so amazed by that conjunction and her entire second house-wow-does she ever love money and love making money and love competing-what an excess of treasure and sex or rather sex is part of her treasure and I just let myself rip and I think that I frightened her.
I can see now that this is a repeat of what went down between us-Grand Square-her Mars/Jupiter oppose my Mars/Venus square her Aquarius Moon which opposes my Saturn/Moon/Pluto and her Saturn/Pluto and squares. Guaranteed to end in hurt feelings and poser struggles. When we were children I thought that something was wrong with me but now I see that is simply how we are and I am no longer vulnerable as I was when a child. We also have an air grand trine between us-we could really love a conversation that could range over years but the love of power in both of us would always get in the way. Too bad-I think that she is probably my essence twin-the King/Warrior to my Warrior/King. I know that I have never stopped thinking about her and I was so excited to be in touch after the decades but alas!! she is a mean one this time around.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So...I was in my sister's room getting some of her pain relieving sleeping potions and talking to her telling her that I plan to go to sleep early tonight because I have not felt well today and she said that she could tell and I was walking out of her room and looking down and there laying on the floor was a lens and i thought "I am sure that the lens is still in my glasses and if that is true then this is the missing lens that is worth about $200 and I bent down and picked it up and could tell immediately that yes!! this is the lens. I could feel by its thickness and the slab-off that the missing lens had turned up in my sister's room. The other one I found on the floor of the living room by the side chair.

I know that our luck is now turning around and I have learned a painful lesson: no dabbling in black magic even when confronted with outrageous cruelty as I was in the Alameda County court rooms I will stick with prayer and god and Angels and Guidences will take over and I will accept my humble position.

Thank Father/Mother god for sending my childhood schoolmate into my life to clear up any unfinished business from childhood and thank you for returning my much needed glasses. Thank you so much for this wonderful week.


So the equinox ( actually a Solar Eclipse) in my life continues to unfold. I was wondering what it would mean that the equinox fell about one degree from my IC. Well working on my childhood schoolmate's chart and at last unwinding a puzzle from my earliest days with memories that I have carried for years. Proust and his madelienes and memories had nothing on me except that I haven't taken to bed the better to capture the exact flavor of the memories but god! I go over and over the early years. Weird when most of my friends say that they can't remember those early years. I know this has something to do with the loaded fourth house Saturn,Moon,Pluto in Leo and then Neptune in the sixth.

Oh God the Obama Justice Dept is bringing charges against the police who shot and killed black refugees from New Orleans during the monster flood that came from the hurricane Katrina. Well this will convince the crazy Tea Party folk listening to Rush Limbaugh that Obama really is a racist. I for one am happy to see this-the cops simply acted on the old race hatred. Yes!! that simple!! They didn't want those n---rs to get any of what they the white cops were securing. I guess they were afraid that all those people ignored by the military and New Orleans law officers would just invade them and kill them just as they themselves were doing.

Monday, July 12, 2010


copying my recipe for meatless chili-wanted to post it on FACEBOOK but it was too long!!!!Making chili in honor of our foggy,July mornings. I use meat substitute since I can no longer digest hamburger and chili-agony. So...I saute a large onion, chopped, with garlic and green perpper also chopped. When the vegetables are limp and fragrant I stir in pasilla chili, anchoa chili,New Mexico chili,some cinnamon,lots of garlic powder and the meat substitute (I use Yve's-2 packages for this) and I "brown" this and then add beans (two cans or the equivalent in regular beans) add canned tomatoes then I let everything cook until it tastes like chili. Sometimes I think that the chili needs a little brown sugar to "smooth" everything together. This is cheap and very popular with the young people. I serve it with saltines and cornbread and chopped, raw onions and grated cheddar cheese.
So gave out this address on FACEBOOK. God I hope that I have not written anything that will hurt people who know me through FACEBOOK or astrology. Strange to do that but I remember how much Barbara loved my cheap lunches and suppers and I really want to share this with others.
Sounds like all of us, the Pluto in Leo babies, may soon need to know how to cook from scratch on the cheap. "THEY" are coming after our pensions and Social Security. Of course, "we" know it always is the Daddy Warbucks who say "we can't afford to pay pensions and Social Security because we need ever faster ways to kill people and to steal their lands and treasure."

Guess what dear readers-I have made contact with one of the most important childhood companions. I have her birth data and the link up is right there. All the years of dreaming of the red bathtub with gold faucets is right there in the two charts,hers and mine. Interesting to have the opportunity to know her and her chart. We both have Mars square Saturn hers Mars Scorpio to Saturn Leo and mine Taurus Mars square Saturn Leo. Interesting-always trying to figure out when to move when to rest. O never realized that she also had this aspect when I was envying her her position in our community.

I await her response to my invitation to reach me via the g-mail.com account.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The big Equinox today. I plan to plant green beans and more greens today so that they will have the power of the Equinox in them. Watching a PBS special on the black soldiers of the Civil War. Horrible treatment even a riot in NYC in which black people were lynched and their homes and businesses were destroyed. Hideous. I don't think that could happen now so I imagine I can say that there has been some evolution of the society. I hope that is what has happened although what is going on now directed toward the immigrant workers is scary. the governor of Arizona made a statement referring to the heads of decapitated victims to be found in the desert. The law in Arizona reads that peace officers must pull a driver over if they believe that the driver looks like an illegal alien. Well isn't that going to be anyone with brown skin.
I saw something so funny on MSNBC the other day: A Mexican ambassador was being interviewed regarding conditions between Mexico and the US but the interviewer was having a hard time trying to talk rough to the ambassador about the crime in Mexico,etc. and why? Well the ambassador had evidently been raised in private schools so long that he has a British accent and he was definitely Caucasian appearing. The interviewer definitely stumbled over what I am thinking would have been easier for her if the ambassador appeared to be "Mexican"-you know more Indian with brown skin and low hairline and thick "Mexican" accent.
Maybe the interviewers discomfort trying to rise above her pre-judgments but this is of course not funny. I have so many family members with Latin surnames,so many friends who are actually of Mexican descent and of course my beloved Steve with his "over-assimilated" mother and his Latin last name.
And there is what we did to those of Japanese descent during WW ll and then the only time nuclear bombs have been used was on the Japanese not on the Europeans.
WE hear and read about racial/ethnic wars all over the world I imagine they could happen here again if conditions are correct-the level of despair, the loss of hope.

The changes in eating are really creating changes in my body chemistry. I had an 88 blood sugar level upon awakening. Too low and I imagine brought on by eating too little last night. I am eating less and walking more and that does seem to be what my body has wanted.

I was surprised when I "remembered" what I felt like when I was eating in synch with my own physical self-the level of fullness and the quality of the energy moving through my body. When I eat out of control I get an image of something like plaster of paris (the computer thinks that I should capitalize paris here but I am correct-I looked it up). I keep on the path by eating only natural food-food in its natural state not what the commercial food people call natural- and food prepared simply. Mostly this is food that I cook since purchasing food that someone else has prepared is so expensive.

The other day I "slipped" and ate a MilkyWay" and felt the effects in my body for 18 hours-I definitely was craving processed sugar and my appetite was zoomed up, out-of-control like it was for years-from the beginning of menopause at age 53. I understand how much what I was eating hurt me and I realize now that working under the conditions in which I was working really took a toll but like all working folk I hung in until I was eligible for a pension that almost took my life-the week in ICU while the doctors figured out how to get my A-fib under control. And to this day I use warfarin,digoxin, and other drugs and I think I will be even when the weight loss and daily exercise will decrease the amount of metformen,etc needed.

I was tired and could not keep the changes I needed in place-I tried but time after time I would give up. thank god that is behind me now. I am in the true beginning of the last third. So strange to say that. So strange my friends and I will come to our end. Wonder if like Mama I will need to go out suddenly because such a fighter I would always pull through. Oh I think of Mama and her friends all those mothers whom I loved so dearly and was startled to know that they were gone-the world lost some of the permanence I counted on. Well now the permanence of my own generation is being challenged. Death!!! the big thing.

Friday, July 9, 2010


This sparrow is not singing this morning. Typical July morning here on the Bay-gray,gray and it is hard for me to read because my glasses are broken,actually I lost the right lens and I cannot get the glasses replaced until August. We are totally cash only now and my last pair of glasses cost almost $500 due to the corrective right lens. I am almost blind in that eye.

I don't know if I wrote about this because I was so ashamed of myself. I was doing some really, actually black magic on the terrible judge in A's trial=sending all his bad energy back to him AND I am very inexperienced with this. I usually just pray and allow God and the Angels to take care of the details but I was so exhausted by what I had witnessed following the transfer to Oakland that I think I lost my mind and so I was really concentrating on sending back to the judge that which he had set in motion and guess what? Later that evening I looked down and saw a lens on the floor and I picked it up and felt my glasses only to be met by emptiness-both lens had fallen out and only the left lens has ever shown up here in the house. The left lens of course is the one with simple tri-focal, the missing right lens is probably worth $200 by itself. Steve has always wanted to check B's car but of course since she has never initiated contact following the horrible day after when she read my harsh judgment of her son and Steve's call and my call so getting to look in her car is not something I expect. I imagine that she would just throw the lens away if she found it in her car.\

Judy has never called since that so I am thinking that she too blames me. Oh well!! time to change and move on=the old work days are truly over.

Making cream of broccoli soup today and warmed over chicken from yesterday. No meat, no beans, no oatmeanl, no whole grains. Weird this gout thing.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So after less than a day the juror's determining the fate of Johannes Mehserle in the Oscar Grant murder case have come back with their determination that it was "involuntary manslaughter". Less than a day to determine involuntary manslaughter for shooting a young man in the back when he laying face-down and handcuffed on the BART floor. Oh God! help us that this is so. God help us truly help us for we are lost.\

I knew that this was a t ragedy when I first heard of it: a young man,father,son,brother. lover killed and another young man is guilty and his life and his family's life is ruined no matter what. Well today it would seem that Mehserle's life is not as ruined as Oscar Grant's. Dellum's the Oakland mayor came out and spoke offering City support of bringing in the Feds to check for civil rights abuses and other types of investigations.

Seems as though the "system" wants a riot. Seemingly the "white fok" just don't get it. As one young man said-if he, a young black male, had killed a white man on his face he would already be in prison serving life at a minimum.

As I wrote earlier: God help us-we are lost whether here in California with this outrageous verdict or as in Arizona where people are demanding that someone who "appears to be an illegal alien" be stopped and the governor says that the illegal aliens are decapitating regular Americans in the desert.


Okay dear readers, this is hard to believe but I have gout. My mother had gout and my grandfather and now here I am. I looked into foods high in the purines that antagonize the condition in my left "great toe' and unbelievably I found legumes listed-LEGUMES-my beloved beans and oatmeal and whole grain breads!!!! I am amazed and will be doing a lot of change in the ol diet. I knew about meat and seafood including (sob) coquilles, but beans!! and oatmeal and beer!! Good God. However I am free to love cream soups and yogurt and cheese and some chicken and eggs and all the things the diet doctors warn us against.
Well I had a dream the other week about seeing myself weighing in at the doctor's and I was well under the dread point-NO!! dear readers I refuse to give you an actual number but I have taken this to mean that the feeling I had that the spell of obesity that had me totally bewitched has passed. Yesterday I was down another 3or4 pounds even at the end of the day of some rather hearty eating. I am thinking that as I eat more for my health I will drop more weight and I will feel better.
The main thing for me is that I eat real food. No "fast food", no food from the freezer section at the store, no food from boxes. I don't always have to cook the food but that is the cheapest and the best.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am copying some of the words from WAWA to show how exciting I find this woman Eileen. This is the only Christianity I have ever been able to accept. I remember Guylene and I having a long conversation regarding Jesus and non-violence and the commandment to not kill-we were about 8 and 9 then. Now after all these years I am stumbling into faith renewed because absolutely everything else has led to closed roads. Strangely I have never been deeply attracted to Buddhism-I have investigated due to Alan Watts and celebrities such as Leonard Cohen and even the loving Buddhist master from vietnam thicht Nan ? and my dear friend Julie (who was not even in my conversation for years until a few days ago)oh! and David, beautiful.loving David but still I converted to Roman Catholicism and then now am arriving on the WAWA shores with the death of Father Bill and the retirement of Father George and the take over of Rome by the Opus Dei crowd. So here goes:

June 2010: Why it is that "Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent?'-Gandhi
June 29, 2010: Why it is that "Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent."-Gandhi


What's Wrong with American Christians?
"The struggle is in the mind. We must bury our own monsters and stop condemning people. We are all Christ and Hitler. We want Christ to win. We're trying to make Christ's message contemporary. What would he have done if he had advertisements, records, films, TV and newspapers! Christ made miracles to tell his message. Well, the miracle today is communications, so let's use it."-John Lennon

"How can you kill people, when it is written in God’s commandment: ‘Thou shall not murder’?"– Leo Tolstoy

It takes a deep faith in Jesus to speak the truth about Jesus, and only one with the deepest of faith will dare to speak the truth that Jesus spoke.

For over forty years, Reverend Emmanuel Charles McCarthy has been working, writing, speaking and trying to educate the flock that to follow Jesus requires one to accept His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies.

In his book A Cry to the Churches and Their Leaders to Stop Running from the Nonviolent Jesus and His Nonviolent Way Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy, begins by asking:

What is Gospel Nonviolence All About?

“Fear Not!” The God of Jesus, the God who is Jesus is not going to hurt you—no way, nowhere, no how. The God who is Jesus is love (Greek: agapĂ©), unconditional, everlasting, irrevocable love.

If Jesus knows what He is talking about, then God is a God of Nonviolent Love. God is Nonviolent Love because Jesus—who teaches that He is one with the Father (jn 10:30) and that to see Him is to see the Father (jn 14:9)—is Nonviolent Love made flesh.

No longer is there a need to fight and kill to try to do the impossible—to preserve the intrinsically impermanent in order to have security and peace. Peace and security, eternal survival and everlasting love are given to us because we, all of us without a single exception, are the immortal and infinitely cherished sons and daughters of a Parent who is immortal Life and Love Itself.

As St. Edith Stein expresses it a few years before her death at Auschwitz:

I know myself held, and in this I have peace and security—not the self-assured security of a man who stands in his own strength on firm ground, but the sweet and blissful security of the child which is carried by a strong arm. [1]

Edith Stein was born into an observant Jewish family on the Jewish High Holy Day of Yom Kippur, October 12, 1892. At the age of thirteen, she underwent a crisis of faith and no longer believed in God and decided to devote her life to the pursuit of the truth. When she was 31, she converted to Christianity and for the next ten years spent her days teaching, lecturing, writing and translating. In 1933 she became a cloistered Carmelite nun.

Edith was a celebrated philosopher, a leading supporter of the early twentieth century's phenomenological school of thought, which explored human awareness and perception. She was arrested by the Nazi’s on August 2, 1942, transported to Auschwitz where she perished in a gas chamber on August 9, 1942. She was canonized a saint on October 11, 1998 because of the miracle cure of Teresia Benedicta McCarthy, the daughter of Rev. McCarthy.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have been looking for all the unpublished pieces-there used to be a page that held all the drafts where one could pick up on a piece or correct the typos but I guess that is gone now. Seems that blogger.com now publishes drafts once one moves away. Oh well!! at least I can give up trying to find the "drafts".
Well we found out that Steve's wage claims on the State did not go up to Sacramento until 7/1/10-so no money until next week and we are busted. What on earth are those people at the Dept of Voc Rrehab up to? Three weeks to process a simple one page claim. Well off to call the ex-brother-in-law for even another loan. Through out this upperdivision experience he has loaned us money knowing that we will eventually receive the financial support for school and we have always kept our word with him so I pray that he will see us through again.
I am thinking of my so-called old friend screaming across the miles via the internet about how worthless Steve is for "playing the system" for all it is worth. Jeez!! this from someone who has a 3.5+GPA and has now been accepted into the SF STATE Graduate School of Education. I am so proud of him and think of all he has done for others and all his musical talent and I almost pity her for her hatreds but of course not quite.
I am making asparagus soup today: I sliced an onion and sauteed it in a mix of butter and olive oil until limp and then I added several cubes of butternut squash and then cooked this with water and one cube of KNORR's Spanish speaking tomato/chicken bouillon and cooked it until the squash was soft at which point i added the broken up pieces of asparagus and cooked them until they, the pieces, were soft. After the veggies cooled a little I processed them with the hand blender. The result is a thick soup that is very popular. I call it cream of asparagus but there is no cream in it. I love the soup so much because it is made with the veggies found on the Berkeley Bowl "remainder shelves" where the produce which has passed the peak of ripeness goes. The fruit when just before real rot is so sweet and I use it for pies,crisps ,etc. The vegetables such as the asparagus/squash,etc are very flavorful and fine for soups,etc. And they are gotten for very,very little money.
Regarding the soup: I had the butternut squash so that is what I used but at other times I use potatoes and carrots and other times I have used yams-anything starchy so that the veggie acts as a thickening agent in the soup. Also the starchy veggies add a certain sweetness that is desirable.

Steve has started to attend diabetes classes--this is so good for everyone here-a reminder of how to eat. Tonight I am marinating thighs in buttermilk and I had planned to bake the thighs but the oven is once again on the blink so will fry instead. Called the landlord.


Jeez! Such a long time since I got back here. Weary and bogged down is how I have been feeling thee days. The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico bothers me in an obsessive way. I cried the second day and with every day it only grows worse. Today I have had this ugly thought that Obama is allowing the use of the poison dispersant which by all reports is deadly because it causes the oil to "disappear" for the moment and then the US military and BP will not allow any photos of the sea and the plumes and the pods of dead whales and dolphins,etc. I am hoping that I am wrong and hope that Obama will come out swinging and sock BP with a massive legal suit and force them to turn over everything to us.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Yesterday i made my favorite soup: Caldo Talepena from the Mexicans. I use breast pieces to cook into broth. I remove the skin but keep the bones per the instruction of Mrs. Cruz who was my neighbor. I cook this as one would for soup with absolutely no thing added just meat and filtered water. I did add some Mexican bouillon (not really just KNORR with Spanish words)to this batch because the broth was weak. After the broth was made I removed the breast pieces and let them cool while I peeled potatoes and cut them, cut carrots. The potatoes and carrots were the only vegetables I used although chayotes or zucchini is part of the traditional recipe-I just didn't have any yesterday. When the vegetables are half cooked I add back the chicken cut into big hunks. The soup is served with corn tortillas, chopped onion and cilantro and jalapenos. Rice is a traditional accompaniment but here we cannot have rice and tortillas in one meal-too much carbo for us. My soup was so delicious as good as what I would pay $10 for at Gonsalves in the mall. I loved it and am eating it again today.
Sop many of us "Americans" do not realize how simple and straight forward Mexican cooking is. We think that it is all chile and mole but it isn't and infact mole takes so long and is so expensive to make that it is usually found only at important dates such as weddings,anniversaries,etc. Chiles are important but they are not as much a part of everyday food as we "Americans" think that's all I am saying here. Most of the food I have eatine in Mexican homes is pure and simple and dressed up by individuals with salsa, chiles, onions, etc. at the table.
I have had enchilads served with a sauce of whirled, canned tomatoes with some garlic powder and nothing else.
More later-I ahve to go out now.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


So I called Julie and found out that she will be here next Thursday. She had been on my mind so much lately and now, of course, I am so glad that I called. We will get together during the 6 days that she is here before she goes for the Vipassana retreat and then no doubt we will see each other before she goes back to the Big Island. Julie is one of my eternal best friends and one of those that another "J" calls the rich women I mooch off of. That is actually humorous because in out years of friendship Julie has given me very little and that only under protest even though she has always had a fortune at least by my standards. Julie hates to be taken advantage of or to feel like she is loved for money only

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Posting something I started on Starlight-I realized that my view is actually much more complex than I could go into there:
Fe-I love your thoughts and the words but frankly I have not known what to do since this country moved to "apathy".
Yes, I feel angry but I don't think that I am looking for a "Daddy" now have I felt like a "victim" at least not until I heard the add I wrote about above.
I have watched so much of what I hold dear be stripped away by a reactionary spirit. I find days that I can take the long view such as with my grandchildren who are simply NOT racist as I was raised to be. The young ones have very different ideas of sex roles and the kids I know are strongly progressive. I could go on and on about the good I witness for the future but I know where other folk live things do not look so much like my world and I won't even go into how shocking the Pluto in Scorpio people are for this Pluto in Leo-hear laughter there.

The "born again" folk frankly freak me out the entire Christian hell and damnation has always freaked me out. I was made miserable as a child always worrying about how much I was sinning and also the shadow life of all the perfection shadowed by the old men who liked to touch little girls and affairs of grown-ups,etc. I didn't feel supported because of my unfortunate social position and I felt judged and rejected mostly in the name of Jesus-weird when considers the actual Christian message of love and care.

So the upsurge of these mega-churches and the "Left Behind" books and mindsets have brought out real sadness and anger.